Thursday, August 6, 2009

Brian Adam Douglas (Elbow Toe)

Brian Adam Douglas (Elbow Toe), originally uploaded by

Spotted at Wallkandy's flickr set, Ways of Seeing - Black Rat Press. You should see the rest of the set. Amazing pieces.

"Ways of Seeing" was a group exhibition of Swoon, Matt Small and Brian Adam Douglas (Elbow Toe), held last July, at Black Rat Press, United Kingdom.

Brian Adam Douglas is a Brooklyn based artist who for the past five years has been pasting up his distinctive woodcuts in cities all over the world under the name Elbow-Toe. His work is often grounded in myth, symbolism and poetry and his distinctive style has gained him an avid following of enthusiasts both within street art and the wider art world. Douglas is one of a group of classically trained New York based artists who have chosen the street as the primary place to exhibit their work, finding the immediacy of doing so more liberating than the confines of the traditional gallery system. For ‘Ways of Seeing’ Douglas has created a series of collages portraits. These intricate collages at first glance might be mistaken for paintings given that they have a fluidity rarely seen in collages. Whilst his work has a very definitely unique style it draws on a rich history of figurative painting and has qualities reminiscent of Freud and Bacon. --- Black Rat Press

(image © Wallkandy)


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